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Ctrl+P = print (101)

See How to... if you don't know or struggle with keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+C, Ctrl+P, etc...

Printing a document...

Most if not all applications have a print command under the File menu but that's an extra  
single click single click
 or two when you want to print.  The print command from the File menu typically opens the Print dialog box where you have various options like number of copies, printer options, etc., but if you just need to print the entire document, no options, turn in Quick Print from the Quick Access toolbar.

Shown here, open the Quick Access toolbar by  
single click single click
  clicking the little down arrow circled in blue then turn on Quick Print by clicking/checking it...

quick print

Printing an email message...

From most any application, Ctrl+P prints but the results may not be what is expected, i.e., Ctrl+P in a web-based email message will print the entire web page, not just the email message. 

In an email message, you need to look for the print button and it is not always in plain sight!  Below is an email message we opened in (Hotmail, Live, etc., all similar).  Notice we said opened. 

The print command is not available as you are viewing the list of messages.  You need to actually open one to find a print button.  But once opened, it's still not readily available rather it's under More commands... (ellipsis) near the top of the email message.  At last check, Google and Yahoo also hide the print command...

Print email